many 高分子/胶体
2.06 chem@Duke * FL+TA $25,750/year
3.07 chem@SUNY-SB TA $25,000/year
hongwei 催化/物化
2.03 chem@UPenn * TA $27,000/year
honolu 光谱/物化
1.28 chem@OSU TA $30,000/year
2.03 chem@UPenn * TA $27,000/year
2.15 chem@TAMU TA/RA $22,800/year
Adou 光谱/纳米
2.03 chem@OSU TA $28,000/year
2.15 chem@TAMU TA $23,000/year
2.09 chem@Brown TA $27,333/year
2.08 chp@UMN TA $23,500/year
chem@Gatech * TA $23,160/year
chem@Delaware TA $25,000/year
5.07 chem@KAUST FL $70,000/year(含学费)
scorpiocrop 催化/光谱
4.13 chem@WayneSU * TA $24,000/year
cherubic 光谱
2.09 chem@Brown * TA $27,333/year
zhii 催化/物化
3.09 chem@UIC * TA $24,000/year
huangmeng29@mail 光谱
1.06 chem@ASU TA $26,000/year
1.26 chem@WayneSU TA $24,500/year
2.09 chem@Brown TA $27,333/year
2.12 chp@OSU * TA $28,000/year
3.04 chem@MSU TA $22,817/year
3.22 chem@UMass TA $23,106/year
Hadiszrh 光谱
1.08 chem@ASU * TA $26,000/year
2.26 chem@WayneSU TA $24,500/year
chem@HKUST TA HK$13,000/month
University Offers Accepted Remarks
California Institute of Technology 1 0
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 0
University of California Berkeley 1 0
Stanford University 2 2
Columbia University 3 1
University of Chicago 1 0
Princeton University 2 1
University of Pennsylvania 4 3
Pennsylvania State University 1 0
Purdue University--West Lafayette 1 1
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities 2 1
Texas A&M University--College Station 3 0
Georgia Institute of Technology 1 1
Ohio State University 8 2 1ChP
Rice University 1 0
Emory University 2 1
University of Utah 1 0
Iowa State University 1 0
Michigan State University 2 0
University of Arizona 2 0
University of California Davis 1 1
University of Maryland--College Park 2 0 1ChP
Duke University 4 3
Carnegie Mellon University 2 1
Stony Brook University SUNY 2 0 1AD(MS)
Brown University 6 1
Florida State University 2 0 1ChemE
University of Massachusetts--Amherst 1 0
Arizona State University 4 1
North Carolina State University 1 1
Rutgers University, New Brunswick 1 1
University of Delaware 1 0
New York University 1 1
University of Illinois--Chicago 1 1
University of Notre Dame 1 0
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge 1 0
Oregon State University 2 0 2ChP
Wayne State University 6 1
University of South Carolina Columbia 3 2
Clemson University 1 1
West Virginia University 1 0
Rutgers University Newark 1 1
University of New Mexico 1 0
University of British Columbia 1 0
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 1 1
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 1 0
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology1 0
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Stanford University (Stanford)
Columbia University (Columbia)
University of Chicago (UChicago)
Princeton University (Princeton)
University of Pennsylvania (UPenn)
Pennsylvania State University (PSU)
Purdue University--West Lafayette (Purdue)
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (UMN)
Texas A&M University--College Station (TAMU)
Georgia Institute of Technology (Gatech)
Ohio State University (OSU)
Rice University (Rice)
Emory University (Emory)
University of Utah (Utah)
Iowa State University (ISU)
Michigan State University (MSU)
University of Arizona (UA)
University of California Davis (UCDavis)
University of Maryland--College Park (UMD)
Duke University (Duke)
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
Stony Brook University SUNY (SUNY-SB)
Brown University (Brown)
Florida State University (FSU)
University of Massachusetts--Amherst (UMass)
Arizona State University (ASU)
North Carolina State University (NCSU)
Rutgers University, New Brunswick (Rutgers)
University of Delaware (Delaware)
New York University (NYU)
University of Illinois--Chicago (UIC)
University of Notre Dame (ND)
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge (LSU)
Oregon State University (OregonSU)
Wayne State University (WayneSU)
University of South Carolina Columbia (USC-Columbia)
Clemson University (Clemson)
West Virginia University (WVU)
University of New Mexico (UNM)
University of British Columbia (UBC)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)